Elektron news

Whenever I want to search a company news under /data/news/beta1/headlines, I need a news code for that company. For example, for Microsoft, the code is MSFT.O. Is there a way that I can get all the codes for all companies so that I can use it for searching headlines?

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @hsss,

    You don't need a news code when you want to retrieve headlines. For example:


    will retrieve all headlines. The query expression is optional.

    If you want to query for specific companies, you include that as a simple text expression:

    /data/news/beta1/headlines?query=Microsoft OR Apple OR Google

    If you are specifically looking for RICs for a list of companies, then you can use the RIC search tool within the Developer portal:



  • Hi, I only want to retrieve headlines for some specific companys so that's why I need the code.

  • Hi @hsss,

    I've updated the answer.

  • Thanks for the answer. Can I also know is there any difference in the news between using Microsoft and using MSFT.O for querying?

  • I believe the text you enter will be searched within the entire headline and metadata text. Headlines carry with them 'subject' metadata which will include a number of codes, one of which is a RIC. So, using MSFT.O as opposed to Microsoft will likely return stories that may not mention the company name 'Microsoft' but their RIC so you may get more headlines. You can certainly experiment to verify.

  • That's really helpful. Thanks a lot!