How to get hourly bid high and bid low data through C#?

Hi all,

I would like to get bid high and bid low hourly data, and the Excel formula as follows.

=RHistory("AUD=","BID.Timestamp;BID.High;BID.Low","START:2019-06-25 INTERVAL:60M","FRQ:1H","TSREPEAT:NO CH:In;Fd")

I used GetTimeSeries to get the data, but the TimeSeriesField in EikonDataAPI only has HIGH and LOW parameters. How could I retrieve the same results through API?

Thanks for helping.

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @hsiuling.kao

    I think you are using .NET API.

    Please refer to the document at this URL.


    You can modify the sample code and retrieve the data accordingly.


  • Hi @chavalit.jintamalit,

    I use this API, it looks similar but I can't use GetTimeSeries function to get bid high and bid low data, my code is as below. Can I use this one or I should change API?

    Thanks for helping!


  • @hsiuling.kao
    Using GetTimeSeries method of open source .NET edition of Eikon Data APIs you are indeed retrieving the bid high and low for spot FX RICs. At the moment Eikon Data APis can only retrieve the default timeseries view for any given RIC, which for FX spot RICs is BID.
    You can compare the results you get from the =RHistory function you mentioned to the output of GetTimeSeries method of Eikon Data APIs. They should match. If however you would like to retrieve intraday ask quotes for FX RICs, this is currently not possible using Eikon Data APIs.

  • Thank you so much, I will change my API to retrieve data.