Industry/Sector Relative Stock Metrics


I want to pull sector/industry relative stock total return on specific dates and relative PE, ROIC etc - is there a guide with more information about how to do this?

If I could use the stock to identify the peer group in the request I could then pull total return, PE, etc for the peer group and calculate the difference as the stock relative stock performance?

Any ideas how this could be done would be welcome!



Best Answer

  • Here's how you can get 1 month total return and PE for stock's peers:

    One potential challenge I see here is comparing these ratios for stocks traded in different currencies. Whether one should account for the exchange rate factor depends on the purpose of this analysis, I suppose.


  • Hello Alex,

    Thanks very much for the response, that's really helpful.

    Are you able to shed any light on how peers are alined with a stock?

    Are you aware of where I can get more information on this?



  • Hello Alex,

    Is there any scope to set the peer group as the industry/sub-industry?



  • Peers function returns the list of stock peers selected by Refinitiv using proprietary methodology. You can get more info on the Help page for Peers & Valuation view for a stock in Eikon. If you still have further questions the best resource is Refinitiv Helpdesk, which you can reach using Contact Us capability in Eikon application


    If you prefer using your own methodology for selecting peers, you could use Screener. Follow the wizard behind the Screener button under Thomson Reuters tab in Excel ribbon to set up your criteria and insert the function that returns the result into Excel worksheet. Then you can copy & paste Screener expression from =TR function in Excel to get_data method of Eikon Data APIs. E.g. the following returns the list of primary stock issues of companies headquartered in the same country and classified in the same industry according to Thomson Reuters Business Classification scheme as the given stock.

    eq_ric = 'AIG.N'
    tmp_df, err = ek.get_data(eq_ric,['TR.HQCountryCode','TR.TRBCIndustryCode'])
    hq_ctry = tmp_df.iloc[0,1]
    indstry = tmp_df.iloc[0,2]
    screener = 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))),'
    screener = screener + ' IN(TR.HQCountryCode,"'
    screener = screener + hq_ctry + '"), IN(TR.TRBCIndustryCode,"'
    screener = screener + str(indstry) + '"))'
    df, err = ek.get_data(screener, 'TR.CommonName')