how to retrive the company guidance number via python API. would like to retrive the historical comp

how to retrive the company guidance number via python API. would like to retrive the historical company guidance for multipul names.

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @koshiroh.tsukiyama

    This forum is moderated by technical staff so I would suggest you to ask content question(what is the field name in this question) to my Refinitiv helpdesk at this URL.

    For this question I think you can find the content field by following below steps:

    1. click on i (information) on the sheet to get the field name


    2. Go to Eikon Search bar, type in DIB (for Data Item Browser)

    3. Input instrument 7203.T

    4. Follow 4 steps in this picture to get the field name

    Note, you can adjust parameter according to your requirement.


    5. Now, you can use it in Eikon Data APIs

    ek.get_data("7203.T", "TR.COGSActSurprise(Period=FY0)")


  • from GUI, I can see the numbers ( eg, 7203.T -> Estimate -> statement view -> checking Guidance and select Single contributer, then the numbers appear as company forecaset)