How do I get historical ownership summary of a company in terms of insiders and institutional with p

How do I get historical ownership summary of a company in terms of insiders and institutional with python?

Best Answer

  • Here's an example retrieving top 30 investors in Air Canada as of 01-Apr-2019.

    ek.get_data('AC.TO',['TR.InvestorFullName', 'TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld', 
    'TR.SharesHeld', 'TR.HoldingsDate',
    {'SDate':'2019-04-01', 'EndNum':'30'})

    I think you would benefit from looking at this tutorial, which talks at length about metadata discovery (finding field names and parameters) for use with Eikon Data APIs.


  • Thanks so much!

  • Is it possible to loop this code over several monthly dates, from 2019-04-01 to present?

  • @ricardo.henriquez

    When asking a new question, please always start a new thread. Old threads with accepted answers are not monitored by forum moderators. If you need to reference an existing thread, include a link in your post.
    Yes, you can create a loop over a set of monthly dates and retrieve top X investors for a stock for each date in the set.