Eikon Data API field name for yield at issue

Does there exist a field which contains the yield at issue for a bond in the Eikon Data API? I have not been able to locate this field using the data browser on the proxy.

Best Answer


  • Hi @javan.graham

    This forum is moderated by developer who are familiar with API calls and sample code.

    For content question, please contact Refinitiv Data Helpdesk at this URL for authoritative answer.

  • Hello @javan.graham,

    A totally correct approach you have taken, is to search the field through DIB, by setting RIC on the bond and searching for yield-containing fields.

    However, some content questions are not obvious or easy to find the answers to. In this case the best and most efficient next step is to open a content support case with Refinitiv Helpdesk, and your content question will be routed to the appropriate Refinitiv content matter expert.

    I have submitted the above question on your behalf. Your case# is 07797833

    You will be contacted on your developers portal registration email.


  • Sorry. Thank you for the referral and great support.

  • Thank you very much.