Token Request : Unexpected error

Hi, I am getting the titled error, which I have seen mentioned by other people but the general response seems to be check with your administrator. Having contacted Refinitiv I received the following response, "I have reached out to the relevant team to help us check on your Datastream DSWS credentials. It is also confirmed that you are entitled to DSWSAPID." so I would assume I do have the right access levels. Could you please advise in how to resolve this issue?

Best Answer


  • @craig.s
    "Access to DSWS requires its own set of credentials separate from your Eikon account credentials. Could you confirm you're passing your Datastream credentials (Datastream Child ID and password) as opposed to your Eikon account credentials?

  • "your Datastream DSWS credentials", is quoted from the email provided by Refinitiv so I can only assume it is indeed DSWS credentials and not Eikon. The username also begins with Z, which I believe is correct based on the getting started documentation I have read.

  • Right. Thanks for confirming.
    @Monika.Stankovic, other than the credentials what else could be the problem here?

  • To add further detail, when I got home I used Python through my personal laptop and was able to download all of the .py files from Github properly (it is blocked by my works firewall) as I was trying a work around when in the office. Good news is it worked without any issues. Given as such is there a way to download/receive the files that are posted on Github in another way? I can't email them to myself as my work account blocks that and I can't log into my personal emails at work as that is blocked also!

  • I think the issue is when the response file runs as I am getting the following error:

    ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-11-6e8faff53d35> in <module>()
    11 import pytz
    ---> 13from .DS_Requests import TokenRequest
    14 from .DS_Requests import Instrument
    15 from .DS_Requests import Properties

    ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package
  • @craig.s
    Are you able to install packages from using PIP? The best way to install DatastreamDSWS package is using

    pip install DatastreamDSWS
    When you use "pip install" command all the dependencies will be downloaded and installed automatically.
  • Thanks, but I have already done so and still having problems. I'm pretty sure it is going to come down to some sort of security that has been put in place at my working place given the fact that it worked at home. If someone from Refinitiv can help me identify what is going wrong that would be most helpful.