RSSL Data and Stream state values


I am looking for the RSSL Data State and Stream State raw values to map to the enum description in the developer guide.

For example what is the actual value of Data state "RSSL_Data_OK" and Stream state "RSSL_Stream_Open" ?

is there any documentation available on the same?

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    For RFA C++, you can also refer to the RFA C++ Reference guide regarding the enum values of StreamState and DataState. It is mentioned in the rfa::common::RespStatus Class Reference.

    enum  DataState { 
    UnspecifiedEnum = 0,
    NoChangeEnum = 0,
    OkEnum = 1,
    SuspectEnum = 2

    enum StreamState {
    UnspecifiedStreamStateEnum = 0,
    OpenEnum = 1,
    NonStreamingEnum = 2,
    ClosedRecoverEnum = 3,
    ClosedEnum = 4,
    RedirectedEnum = 5


  • @NWM

    You can find the description of the DataState, StreamState and status code from Refman html page which provided under folder Docs folder. Based on EMA1.3, there is a description in the file <EMA Install path>/Cpp-C/Ema/Docs/refman/ema/a00067.html. Below is screenshot from the page.


    You can also find the actual enum values defined in the EMA header from the HTML page.

    For RFA you can also find the information from Refman page as well. It's the file "<RFA8.1 Install path>/Docs/refman/rfa/a00029.html". You can also use search from Refman page to find the information.

  • Hello Jirapongse, Moragodkrit

    Thank you for your responses. I was able to find the information in the C~~ Reference guide.