Dacs API not logging usage

First i would like to point out we have tried the suggestions recommended in the POST

How to enable logging usage data in open Dacs API, but with no joy

so any pointers would be appreciated, so code snippet below:

public void ProcessEventStatus(AuthorizationAgentEventStatus eventStatus)


bool isRepermissioning = eventStatus.StatusCode == AuthorizationAgentEventStatus.StatusCodeEnum.DoRepermission;

if (isRepermissioning)


Logger.Info($"Repermissioning requested for user '{Identity}'.");



CheckSubscription([...], isRepermissioning)


private bool CheckSubscription(string service, string ric, long userHandle, byte[] authorizationLock, bool isRepermissioning)


AuthorizationRequest.PerformUsageEnum usage = isRepermissioning

? AuthorizationRequest.PerformUsageEnum.OnlyDenialPerformUsageLogging

: _configuration.DefaultUsageLogging; // This is AuthorizationRequest.PerformUsageEnum.AlwaysPerformUsageLogging

AuthorizationAgent.AuthorizationCheckResultEnum authorizationCheckResult = _authorizationAgent.CheckSubscription(




new RFA_String(service),

new RFA_String(ric),



bool result = authorizationCheckResult == AuthorizationAgent.AuthorizationCheckResultEnum.AccessAllowed;

return result;


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    As I know, the configurations in DACS Sink Daemon can also override the settings in Open DACS API.

    • For local DACS Sink Daemon, DACS API controls the size and location of the usage file. However, DACS Daemon can override it by configuring (DACS_SNKD_P2P_USAGE, DACS_SNKD_P2P_USAGE_SIZE)
    • For remote DACS Sink Daemon, DACS API doesn’t create the usage file. DACS Daemon will create dacs.usage when using DACS_SNKD_P2P_USAGE, DACS_SNKD_P2P_USAGE_SIZE


    This configuration parameter is used by the DACS Sink Daemon to control the connecting DACS APIs. When this
    parameter is enabled, the DACS Sink Daemon sends a message to the DACS API which interprets the command to
    mean that all usage data should be sent to the DACS Sink Daemon, even if the DACS API is configured for usage
    path / usage size. Set this parameter with the path to where usage data (i.e. dacs.usage / dacs.usage.BAK) should
    be saved.


    This configuration parameter is used by the DACS Sink Daemon to control the maximum size in K bytes to which the usage
    data file can grow. Once this maximum is reached the DACS Sink Daemon sends a message to the DACS Station in order
    for the DACS Station to collect the usage data. If this parameter is not set but this feature is enabled, then the default value
    is 512.

    You may need to verify the location of DACS Sink Daemon and the DACS configurations (dacs.env) used by DACS Sink Daemon.