RSSL STATE Message and How do we handle RSSL_STREAM_UNSPECIFIED?

When we receive a UPA RsslStatusMsg (rsslStatusMsg.h) and check if the RsslStatusFlags has RSSL_STMF_HAS_STATE, How do we handle RSSL_STREAM_UNSPECIFIED (eg is this CLOSED or OPEN... will we eventually get an image with updates or just an image saying this is it or we get nothing, etc)?

Also, if the RSSL_STMF_HAS_STATE flag is not present How should we handle this condition?


CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) with UPA 7.6.1.L1

Best Answer

  • Hello @CRJ,

    RSSL_STREAM_UNSPECIFIED does not require processing.

    It is issued during structure initialization, and is a transient state.

    It can be followed by valid Image and updates, but there can be other scenarios,

    such as RSSL_STREAM_CLOSED, those will need to be processed by a consumer app.

    A good read on the states to process is the doc group__RsslStateType.html, found

    with UPA SDK.