Qualifiers, what does the freetext after [ACT_FLAG1] mean?


In the TRTH Time and Sales Extraction, we are extracting data with the field Trade - Qualifiers

In the documentation Tick History Equity Qualifier Codes - EMEA & Oceania, I find the explanation for most of the freetext in the Qualifiers Fields A[ACT_FLAG1], K[ACT_FLAG1] etc, but it is not clear what means "-[ACT_FLAG1]" and all the following freetext after [ACT_FLAG1]: "-[ACT_FLAG1];Y [ELIGBL_TRD];45-3-----T-1--[MMT_CLASS];""RX ""[TR_TRD_FLG]". Is there documentation for that ?



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  • i.lucas,

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  • In many systems or data formats, qualifiers and flags are used to provide additional information or context about a particular data element. The term "freetext" usually refers to unstructured text that is not bound by a specific format or coding system.

    In the provided example, "[ACT_FLAG1]" appears to be a flag or qualifier, and the freetext that follows it likely provides additional details, descriptions, or information related to the specific flag. The exact meaning of the freetext would depend on the conventions or standards used in the specific system or format you're working with.