0 byte output file when using rmdstestclient to record data

Hi guys,

We tried to run the rmdstestclient tool to record data, but our output file is 0 bytes.

09:43:30 *user*@**machine**/rhel6_x86_64> ./rmdstestclient -S DIRECT_FEED -ef ./symbols.txt -h *host* -p 14002 -ct rssl -u exb_hk_dev -obf testrecording.dat
Number of Connection Count = 1
Creating RSSL connection Host: *host* Port: 14002
UPA server component version: ads3.2.3.L1.linux.tis.rrg 64-bit
Setting rmds connection 0x14b9540
Connection list count is 1
SupportStandby: 0
SupportBatchRequests Initial Open: Yes
SupportBatchRequests Reissue: Yes
SupportBatchClose: Yes
SupportViewRequests: Yes
SupportOptimizedPauseResume: 0
Received Field Dictionary refresh message (Data Length: 1210615).
Received Enum Dictionary refresh message (Data Length: 123585).

We have not received any error message for this, and we do have permission on the folders where we are trying to write the file.

Please let me know if I am missing something.

Thank you,


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    You can use -l <file> option to log events to a file.

        -l                 Log events to the file

    The command is:

    ./rmdstestclient -S DIRECT_FEED -ef ./symbols.txt -h host -p 14002 -ct rssl -u exb_hk_dev -obf testrecording.dat -l log.txt

    Then, please share the log.txt file.


  • Hello @jfajardo

    Please make sure that:

    Hope this help.

  • Thanks @Pimchaya.Wongrukun!

    • Yeah, double-checked that the following are correct and based on RFA.cfg:
      • -h = serverList from RFA.cfg, and
      • -S = serviceList from RFA.cfg
    1. Here is what my RicFile looks like:

    I am unsure what below means but I thought that since these are non zero values, that my dat file should have anything in it at least:

    Received Field Dictionary refresh message (Data Length: 1210615). Received Enum Dictionary refresh message (Data Length: 123585).



  • Thanks @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai! We'll rerun again and get back to you here.

  • Hi @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai,

    Here's the log file out of a run we made for ~10 hours. capture file is again 0 bytes.


    Thank you very much!



  • @jfajardo

    From the log file, DIRECT_FEED is not a correct service. The available services on the server are:

    • IDN_DEV
    • PB-APAC
    • PB-EMEA
    • PB-NAMR
    • DTS_DEV

    For now, please try IDN_DEV (-S IDN_DEV).

    If you are still unable to retrieve the data, please contact the server team for the correct service that can provide the data.

  • HI @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai, thanks for this, I am now able to see the dat file with contents in it. I am looking into replaying this but my sink_driven_src is having a segfault issue. Will raise a separate quesion for this.

    Thank you!