API requirement management and approval process, esp with planned or new feature release schedule

hi Guys, here I'd like to ask one question, may we get some info as API requirement management and approval process, esp with planned or new feature release schedule, it will help us to plan our side development, many thanks

Best Answer


  • Could you please elaborate on what you're looking for? I'm afraid I'm not clear on what you're asking. Could you also specify which Refinitiv product or API you use or intend to use?

  • hi Alex, thanks for prompt reply! yes, I have some interests in CLoud or Docker deployment, for example, I want to understand if Elektron and Eikon can support or plan to deploy on Docker environment for one prompt usage

  • Eikon is an end user product. There are no plans to make it available in Docker or in the cloud. Elektron Datafeed on the other hand can be readily used in applications running in both Docker containers and in the cloud. I'm moving this thread to the forum dedicated to Elektron APIs where you can ask further questions if you have any.

  • thanks Alex!