Importing eikon module on Jupyter notebook


I have tried to import eikon module on Jupyter, but not going well and got an error message that there is no module named 'eikon'. Of course I have already installed eikon packages by pip on commando prompt. could anyone please tell me how to solve this problem.




Best Answer

  • Hi Guys,

    Sorry for the delayed response. IT guys at IG have solved a problem I am facing with. Thank you so much for all your advice and help !

    Thanks, Jun Ishikawa


  • Hello @junichi.ishikawa

    Could you please run the "pip list" command and give me the result? The "pip list" command will list all installed packages in your current environment.

    Did you install eikon module in the same Python (or Conda) environment that Jupyter is installed?

  • Thanks Wasin,

    There is no eikon module in pip list. What should I do? Is it necessary to install it again by an another method?

  • Thanks Wasin,

    There is no eikon module in pip list. What should I do? Is it necessary to install it again by an another method?

  • @junichi.ishikawa

    Do you have multiple versions of Python in your environment? How did you set the Python's Scripts folder to the PATH environment variable?

    Please run the following commands in your Command Prompt and give me the results

    • pip -V
    • python -V
    • python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"


  • You can try to run "pip install eikon" under Jupyter to install eikon module.


  • Hi Wasin,

    IT guy isntall and set up python on my PC. I have run some command as you mentioned. Please see attached.



  • Hi @junichi.ishikawa-san,

    Can you try the following command in sequence please?

    pip install eikon
    pip show eikon
    import eikon as ek

    Please see this screenshot.


  • Hello @junichi.ishikawa

    It seems you have two versions of Python installed in your machine

    1. The official Python 3.7.4
    2. The Anaconda Python distributor

    Which Python that you have run Jupyter and encounters the problem? Could you please give me the following screenshots? Did you run commands in Anaconda Prompt?

    1. A screenshot that shows how you run jupyter notebook command
    2. A screenshot that shows how you import Eikon module and error messages

    Additionally, I highly suggest you read and try the Setting up a Python development environment page.