Eikon Data API timing out on every request this morning


Starting around 3 AM today the Eikon Data PI stopped returning us any data, giving the below timeouts instead. My Data Item Browser (e.g. MSFT.O DIB) this morning is also not retrieving any data. Eikon Data API is giving back timeouts for every request, even a simple one like:

In [9]: ek.get_data('MSFT.O', 'TR.Ric')
2019-09-06 09:38:07 pyeikon ERROR> Request timeout occured

EikonError: Error code 408 | Request timeout occured

Is there any known issue with the backend to the Data Item Browser and Eikon Data API that would have started around 3 AM? We have not seen any Eikon status alert emails to this effect. The above behavior has persisted despite rebooting the system on which Eikon was running.

Best Answer


  • I am with the same problem and I got no answer!

  • Hello @davidk,

    Please confirm if you continue seeing the issue you describe?

    This forum is best suited for technical API questions. If you suspect you observe an outage, the prefered course of action is to open a support case via logging into my.refinitiv.com

    This way, your specific connecticvity point, entitlements, etc, can be verified by our relevant experts, and you could have a definitive asnwer why you are not able to connect, or if there is a known condition, you will also be notified of it.

  • Understood, just often hard to know where in the stack the issue lies and thus whom to contact:-). We are still seeing the issue and have a support case open. Thus far it appears this is a data API outage at AMERS1. Support can recreate connected to AMERS1 but not when connected to Europe.

  • @zoya.farberov @fcucullu As of 11:54 AM ET this problem appears to have been rectified. I have not received any confirmation from support but the timeout behavior has stopped.