QuoteID not mapping to RICs.


I'm trying to request RICs using QuoteID. I've noticed for some companies, mostly from ARCA and NYSE, when requested the RIC with QuoteID using TR.RIC I get symbols without any of the dot extensions. For example, for 55839008181 (American Shared Hospital Services) I was expecting something like AMS.N, or AMS.ARC but only AMS was returned.

And this is "strange" for me, since normally RICs are with this "dot extension", this (and others from that same exchange) didn't had any. Is there a reason for it?

What methodology would suggest to acquire the RIC with that "dot extension form" for these cases? Is there a way to retrieve the primary exchange of the company with a TR formula, using the QuoteID?

Thanks for your time!

Best Answer

  • aquilesjlp300

    You can use TR.PrimaryQuote data item to retrieve the primary quote:

    ticker, err = ek.get_data(instruments = ['RCKY.O','55839008181'], fields = ['TR.RIC','TR.PrimaryQuote'])


    Is this what you are looking for?


  • Hi @aquilesjlp300,

    "Could you show the exact code line you used to get it?


  • import pandas as pd
    import eikon as ek
    symbol = ek.get_data('55839008181', 'TR.RIC')


  • Well, it maps the RIC to the form we need it to (with that dot and the exchange acronym we were expecting). But shouldn't we be able to get the same result by using TR.RIC?

    What is the difference among TR.RIC, TR.PRimaryQuote and TR.PrimaryInstrument?

  • Well, it maps the RIC to the form we need it to (with that dot and the exchange acronym we were expecting). But shouldn't we be able to get the same result by using TR.RIC?

    What is the difference among TR.RIC, TR.PRimaryQuote and TR.PrimaryInstrument?

  • aquilesjlp300 ,

    TR.RIC will return the RIC used in the formula, but it will give you the primary exchange RIC when using with other identifiers such as ISINs and SEDOLs.

    TR.PRimaryQuote will give you a primary RIC of the identifier

    TR.PrimaryInstrument will give you the primary RIC in the “collection” of all ISINs under the whole company.


  • I hope this helps:image

  • Thanks for these great examples Agnes!

    So, if I want to get the primary exchange RIC I should use the ISIN or SEDOL instead of the QuoteID like I used on my first try?

    I mean, I should get the full RIC of "American Shared Hospital Services" company using the ISIN/SEDOL, instead of just getting the "root RIC" of the company when I request it with QuoteID as input. Right?

  • Hi @aquilesjlp300,

    Yes, you will get the primary RICs when using TR.RIC data item if you use ISINs or SEDOLs instead of the PermIDs you have.