Date reported for TR.PriceClose


I'm doing this and I would love to know why I'm getting a date from a week ago for this company that is not delisted.

currencies = ek.get_data(['EVEE.L'],['CF_CURR','CF_Last', 'TR.PriceClose.Currency', '', 'TR.PriceClose'])


The outcome is:

(  Instrument CF_CURR  CF_LAST Currency                  Date  Price Close
0     EVEE.L     GBp      4.9      GBp  2019-08-12T00:00:00Z          4.9, None)

Does CF_Last provide the price as well for that date, given that they are equal?

What is the scenario here?

Thanks for any help in advance.


  • Thanks for your helpful reply Agnes!

    Even though the stock is not trading, how recommendable would it be for me to use TR.PriceClose.Currency instead of :CF_CURR.

    I mean, is not trading but is not delisted, so, as long as it is not delisted I can still get its currency with the RIC with any of the two fields?

  • Hello @Agnes Terada

    Could you please help the client on the follow up question?

  • Hello @Agnes Terada

    Could you please help the client on the follow up question?

  • aquilesjlp300, sorry I missed your follow-up question. Both fields will give you the currency as the security is not delisted.