Missing RICS in latest bulk quote file

All of the following RICs are alive and trading according to "datascope select" but they and their permids are missing from the latest bulk quote files. The asset classes are not exotic: most are "ordinary shares", some are "fully paid shares" and there is one "unit". They all used to be present in some bulk quotes file in the last month or so. Can you please resurrect them.

1-21531160712 | 3678.T
1-21531874585 | 6086.T
1-21551039576 | 9418.T
1-21564391986 | AFG.AX
1-21564730407 | 0804.HK
1-21565619475 | 1528.HK
1-21565619628 | 210980.KS
1-21565676655 | MSRO3.SA
1-21565677521 | 3839.HK
1-21565787803 | 214310.KQ
1-21565830211 | CBOM.MM
1-21566084095 | 2193.HK
1-21566096949 | 3882.HK
1-21566097708 | 160600.KQ
1-21566151212 | 178780.KQ
1-21566152362 | 2286.HK
1-21566163730 | 214390.KS
1-21566165307 | 1461.HK
1-21566166639 | 2699.HK
1-21566166646 | 1986.HK
1-21566228153 | 6836.HK
1-21566228318 | 218410.KQ
1-21566321792 | 214180.KQ
1-21566337981 | 1498.HK
1-21566410169 | 094170.KQ
1-21566521827 | 6049.T
1-21566685913 | 3918.T
1-21566689552 | 3737.HK
1-21566817967 | MGC.AX
1-21566868401 | 085620.KS
1-21566923403 | 214420.KS
1-21567003699 | 214320.KS
1-21567227445 | 3461.T
1-21567453338 | 127710.KQ
1-21567522354 | 087010.KQ
1-21570951881 | SMG.AX
1-21570951907 | DAV.AX
1-21576165096 | MIL.AX
1-21577580610 | TPW.AX
1-21578935370 | NOV.AX
1-21584343705 | N1H.AX
1-21584918753 | WTC.AX
1-21586678948 | ABT.AX
1-21587383852 | RBL.AX
1-21595585400 | HOT.AX
1-21598313801 | 8416.HK
1-21600601733 | SM1.AX
1-21607270436 | JJF.AX
1-21609857250 | BTH.AX
1-21614485866 | 4148.TW
1-21615753773 | 8362.HK
1-21618271063 | HETJ.J
1-21618984465 | N27.AX
1-21620412408 | WND.AX
1-21622099123 | RCW.AX
1-21624687832 | OGA.AX
1-21624687836 | RD1.AX
1-21624687856 | PKD.AX
1-21625071909 | BGv.CHI
1-21625753488 | TIN.AX
1-21626604394 | DHG.AX
1-21627273213 | PFP.AX
1-21627871451 | 007680.KQ
1-55834591395 | 007340.KS
1-55834784278 | 1711.T
1-55834873432 | 2326.HK
1-55834886601 | 2437.T
1-55834906286 | 0159.HK
1-55835575762 | AZS.AX
1-55835584197 | SYT.AX
1-55835597347 | RSH.AX
1-55837448455 | ASIM.SI
1-55837448563 | FOPS.SI
1-55838259965 | LANDl.CHI
1-55838330555 | ATOM3.SA
1-55838786411 | 3073.T
1-55838787465 | 4764.T
1-55838790988 | 7419.T
1-55838832445 | ITUJ.J
1-55865045277 | INTUl.CHI

Best Answer

  • Yes, I can confirm that they have all been fixed. Unfortunately I have many new examples of missing RICs. It is like playing "wack-a-mole"! I will open a new report about them.


  • @duncan.sands

    I will report this issue to the Open PermID team to verify the problem.

  • Thanks Jirapongse. By now I've sent several examples of missing permids/RICs. Do you think it's useful to send more, or better to wait for the developers to solve the already reported issues?

  • I got a response from the development team that it is better to wait for the fix which will solve the reported issues.
  • Was any progress made on this? I checked the following RICs and they are still missing in the bulk quotes, but alive and kicking according to Thomson-Reuters tick history:

    Here are additional examples of missing RICs, from the US this time:


  • I am asking the OpenPerm ID team for the update. I will let you know after receiving any response back from them.

  • @duncan.sands

    I have checked some RICs and found that they are available in the latest bulk quote file.

    Could you please confirm that the problem has been resolved?