Active MIC in Eikon.

Where can I get a list of all active MICs from Eikon at the moment (like it appears in this older question)?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best Answer

  • Hi @aquilesjlp300

    So I am not sure I understand the term active MIC in your question.

    SCREENER app can query for the active instruments but in this case, this is not what you are looking for.

    So I think it is better to contact Refinitiv Helpdesk at and clarify the content you are looking for.


  • Hi @aquilesjlp300

    I am assuming that Active MIC is Active Market Identifier Code.

    In Refinitiv, we use RIC as the primary identifier so you will get RIC back.

    You can use the SCREENER app on Eikon Desktop to find a formula based on your filter options.



    Optional: Once you have RIC list, you can use get_symbology to map RIC to other identifier types.

    df = ek.get_symbology(['IBM.N','VOD.L'])
  • Hello again @chavalit.jintamalit and thanks for your reply.

    No, not exactly RICs, I was trying to get an up-to-date list of all MICs active at the moment. Is that possible?