Eikon .NET APIs: Fetch options chains/data

Is there a way to pull real-time or end of day options chains data (either for next expiry date or longer) via the .NET Eikon APIs? I've seen a few questions regarding the Python Eikon Desktop API, but I can't get any of it to work in .NET.

I am currently referencing the realtime API (ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess) as well as Dex2 COM api (Interop.EikonDesktopDataAPI + Interop.Dex2).

I am interested in the Strike, Volume and Volatility fields.

Best Answer

  • @vsarpe

    First, you need to know a RIC which provides options for an instrument. For GOOG.O, the options RIC could be 0#GOOG*.U. The fields for Type, Strike, Volume, Expiration Date, and Volatility could be:

    • Type: PUTCALLIND
    • Strike: STRIKE_PRC
    • Volume: ACVOL_1
    • Expiration Date: EXPIR_DATE
    • Volatility: IMP_VOLT

    You need to contact the content support team via my.refinitiv.com for confirmation regarding RICs and fields.

    The C# code looks like:

                List<string> rics = new List<string>();
                var chainRequest = realtime.GetChain("0#GOOG*.U", true, constituents =>
                    // Iterate through chain constituents
                    foreach (var constituentRic in constituents)
                        // Your process on each constituent RIC goes here.                                rics.Add(constituentRic);
                    var snapRequest = realtime.SetupDataRequest(rics).WithFields(new List<string> {"PUTCALLIND", "EXPIR_DATE","STRIKE_PRC","ACVOL_1","IMP_VOLT"}).OnDataReceived(
                        update =>
                            foreach (var record in update)
    //                            Console.WriteLine("#### OnDataUpdate RIC: {0} ####", record.Key);
                                Console.Write("{0} ", record.Key);
                                foreach (var val in record.Value)
                                    Console.Write("{0}\t", val.Value.Value.ToString());

    The output is:



  • @vsarpe

    If it is this question for Eikon Data APIs, you can use the following .NET code with ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess to retrieve EXPIR_DATE for a chain RIC, such as 0#W:.

                var chainRequest = realtime.GetChain("0#W:", true, constituents =>
                    // Iterate through chain constituents
                    foreach (var constituentRic in constituents)
                        // Your process on each constituent RIC goes here.
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}", constituentRic);
                    var snapRequest = realtime.SetupDataRequest(rics).WithField("EXPIR_DATE").OnDataReceived(
                        update =>
                            foreach (var record in update)
                                Console.WriteLine("#### OnDataUpdate RIC: {0} ####", record.Key);
                                foreach (var val in record.Value)
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", val.Key, val.Value.Value.ToString());

    The output looks like:


  • Thanks for the answer! So from here how would I be able to obtain a list containing Strike, Volume, Volatility, given an instrument (ex: GOOG.O) and the chain RIC?

    Looking for data similar to this: https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/C/options?moneyness=allRows&view=sbs_ohl&expiration=2019-10-11

  • Thank you for the code samples! It clears it up my questions regarding API usage. For my specific RICs and fields, I will contact the support team.

  • hi @Jirapongse ... picking up this thread, not familiar w/ the .Net api, yet looking at the return of CreateDataAPI() does not show a GetChain method, so what is that realtime object your are referencing in your code that contains that method? thanks.