Human readable data from captured data?

If I capture data to file, using rsslIoctl (channel, RSSL_TRACE,...), the file contains entries like:

<fieldEntry fieldId="16" data="1309 07E3"/>

I'm looking for a tool to convert this into something more human readable, i.e more like:

<fieldEntry fid="TRADE_DATE" data="...">. It would be really great if the data could be translated to the appropriate format depending on the data type specified for the FID.

Best Answer

  • Hello @svante.lindahl1

    You may use rmdstestclient tool to capture data from Elektron to the xml file which is human readable then you can replay this data later using sink_driven_src tools.

    The example captured data in the xml file:

    <fieldEntry fieldId="1" dataType="RSSL_DT_UINT" data="852"/>
    <fieldEntry fieldId="2" dataType="RSSL_DT_UINT" data="151"/>
    <fieldEntry fieldId="259" dataType="RSSL_DT_UINT" data="249"/>

    For more details to use the tools to record and play data, please refer to Quick Start Guide to Recording and Playback of Elektron Data


  • @svante.lindahl1

    If it's the RSSL XML trace log from ESDK C++ and RFA C++, you may try the RSSL trace log with my tool on GitHub. It was created for troubleshooting purposes.

    You have to download the .NET Core SDK from

    and then run following dotnet publish command under a folder named

    rsslxmltracedataconverter to build executable file on .NET Core support platform.

    For example, on Windows 10 you can use

    dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64 -o ./release_build

    Please find more -r option for other platforms from

    Then copy folder Dict to folder release_build, and then you may copy the sample XML data to XML file like test.xml or use the file generated by ESDK or RFA C++ with the following a command

    rsslxmltracedataconverter.exe -s test.xml -o testconverted.xml


    ./rsslxmltracedataconverter -s test.xml -o testconverted.xml

    It will convert the XML data to testconverted.xml and output should contain XML element like below sample

    <fieldEntry fieldId="16" fieldName="TRADE_DATE" decodedData="19/9/2019" data="1309 07E3" />

    The tools will scan for XML element name "fieldEntry, and it must contain "fieldId" and "data" and then it will look up fieldName and dataType using a value from fieldId. Next step it will convert Hex string in XML element named data to a value depending on the data type.

    I test it with a general trace log from EMA and RFA. Therefore, I do not guarantee that it will be able to cover all data types. Anyway, it should be able to convert primitive data types and MRN Story data.

  • Looks like you have some really useful stuff there, but I'm confined to using Linux.

  • @svante.lindahl1

    .NET Core SDK supports Linux.

    Please find the list from section Build-apps SDK.

  • rmdstestclient was what I wanted/needed. Thank you!

  • Yes, rmdstestclient works fine for my purpose. Thank you.