Getting invalid_token error while running test example

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 37, in <module>

accessToken = edpToken.getToken();

File "C:\Users\dbisoi\Downloads\QuickStart\", line 128, in getToken

tknObject = _requestNewToken(None);

File "C:\Users\dbisoi\Downloads\QuickStart\", line 55, in _requestNewToken

raise Exception("Failed to get access token {0} - {1}".format(response.status_code, response.text));

Exception: Failed to get access token 401 - {"error":"invalid_client" ,"error_description":"Invalid Application Credential." }

AM passing the Application id generated from

Best Answer

  • Hi @debashish.bisoi

    The example you are trying to run is connecting to the Refinitiv Data Platform to request Time Series data.

    To connect to the Refinitiv Data Platform you need the appropriate account type - your Eikon userID may not be permissioned for this access.

    Have you spoken to your Refinitiv Account team regards accessing the Refinitiv Data Platform? Have they granted you the relevant access? You would have received an email similar to the one below with a MachineID and link to set your password etc:


    If you want to use your Eikon Account to get data from Eikon using an API, then I recommend you refer to the Eikon Data API documentation and quickstart. You will also find a tutorial section which covers Timeseries here


  • Hi @debashish.bisoi,

    Can you double-check the MachineID (username) and password you are passing is also correct?

    I had a previous incident where the developer missed out one of the digits from their MachineID (username) and the error they got back was : {"error":"invalid_client" ,"error_description":"clientId field is invalid." }

  • Hi Umer

    I did try it twice

    1. Using EIKON user id and password

    2. Using developers site user id and password

    Still it keeps failing with the same error

  • Thanks this helps