MACOS Mojave 14.4 EIKON API does not launch the login window

Hi all,

I have been using API for one year with no issue.

From October-2019, things have not been smooth :

When i click on the app directly, app launches but it does not go until the window where i can write my credentials. The app shuts down after 4 seconds of loadings.

When launching Eikon Proxy API app from the terminal, i have below log.

Can somebody please advise ? It starts to be painful for the workload, given I need to do things manually now. It would be awesome

Thanks a lot, Alexis Berson


Loading preload-login file

BusBrokerLocal is connected to 49152

BusBridge is connected to 49152

RPC is connected to 49152

LoggerBrokerLocal is connected to 49152

2019-10-24 11:46:44.413 Eikon API Proxy[13248:853996] *** WARNING: Textured window <AtomNSWindow: 0x7fa6b54bbec0> is getting an implicitly transparent titlebar. This will break when linking against newer SDKs. Use NSWindow's -titlebarAppearsTransparent=YES instead.

Override usercp URL to

Override heartbeat URL to

heartbeat pump-up in 30000

heartbeat polling

heartbeat committed: 200, OK

{ Response:

{ Heartbeat:

{ network: '1',

region: 'emea1',

url: '' } } }

heartbeat success

start heartbeat

Bootstrap: Download Platform config failed

Bootstrap: { Error: Net request was unsuccessful: Internal Server Error.

at req.then (/Applications/Eikon API

at <anonymous>

at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7) code: 500, serverMessage: 'Internal Server Error' }

clear heartbeat interval


Best Answer

  • Hi @a.berson

    Try to run the following command from Terminal (please note 2 minuses before resetCache):

    /Applications/Eikon\ API\\ API\ Proxy --resetCache

    This will empty cache located in Library/Application Support/Eikon API Proxy folder.

    Then reboot your machine and see if the issue will persist.
