Is keystore for TRCC valid forever?

We are using Thomson Reuters Contribution Channel and created keystore a year ago. We are wondering if this keystore is valid forever? if not, is there instructions to create a new one?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi, the keystore is a Java concept, and it should be valid as long as the certificate that has been imported into it, are valid.

    In case you need to create a new one, please see the Run section in this tutorial, and also read this article about Java keystores.


  • Hi, How can we generate a certificate? Can you describe a bit more detail? How can I check whether the certificate is valid or not?

  • Hi, How can we generate a certificate? Can you describe a bit more detail? How can I check whether the certificate is valid or not?

  • It is the third party server certificate that is imported into the keystore file. Please read the linked article to understand the certificate expiry etc.