Get quote price in time order

I'm using the Eikon API in python. Especially I'm trying the get_data method to extract data.

Question 1:

I want to get the close price for an instrument for 1 year and two years ago.

I've tried two calls:

  • getData('DANSKE.CO', 'TR.PriceClose', 'SDate'='0D', 'EDate'='-2AY', 'Frq'='AY')
    • This returns data in unordered timestamps.
  • getData('DANSKE.CO', '', 'SDate'='0D', 'EDate'='-2AY', 'Frq'='AY')
    • This returns 'None'.

What should I use if I want control over the data returned and not send to many calls to Eikon?

Question :

I have tried to get total return data from Eikon but her I get None in return.

  • getData('DANSKE.CO', 'TR.PriceClose')
    • This gives data.
  • getData('DANSKE.CO', 'TR.TotalReturn')
    • This gives 'None'.


Most thankful for som help

Best Answer

  • Hi @erik.wickman

    I just tried the following:

    ek.get_data('DANSKE.CO',fields=['TR.PriceClose',''] , parameters={'SDate':'0D', 'EDate':'-2AY', 'Frq':'AY'})

    and I get back:

    (  Instrument  Price Close  Date 0  
    DANSKE.CO 91.80 2019-11-01T00:00:00Z 1
    DANSKE.CO 132.55 2018-11-01T00:00:00Z, None)

    I repeated the call several times and I got back the same order - i.e. 2019 and then 2018.

    I also tried for 5yrs and I again got back an ordered list:

    0  DANSKE.CO        91.80  2019-11-01T00:00:00Z 
    1 DANSKE.CO 132.55 2018-11-01T00:00:00Z
    2 DANSKE.CO 242.50 2017-11-01T00:00:00Z
    3 DANSKE.CO 206.70 2016-11-01T00:00:00Z
    4 DANSKE.CO 186.50 2015-10-30T00:00:00Z

    Is the above ok for you - or have I misunderstood your question?

    Also, I tried the following:

    ek.get_data('DANSKE.CO',fields=['TR.PriceClose','', 'TR.TotalReturn'])

    and I get back:

    Instrument  Price Close                  Date  Total Return
    DANSKE.CO 91.8 2019-11-01T00:00:00Z -3.954802

    Is this what you are after?


  • Hi Umer!

    Yes it is exaclty what I'm looking for.
    But somehow I can't get data for the fields '' and 'TR.TotalReturn'.

    I'm trying just:


    Returns None

    Switching to:


    Returns 91,8

    Having trouble to understand why one thing works but not the other.

    (Using python on a windows computer with Eikon running.)

  • Hi @erik.wickman

    I am fairly new to Python and I don't know what your level of Python is - so apologies if the following is patronising, but can you confirm how you are extracting the actual values from the return objects?

    In the example code below, the get_date returns a tuple, from which I extract the dataframe and then the series which contains the actual value.

    tp = ek.get_data('DANSKE.CO',fields=[ 'TR.TotalReturn'])
    (  Instrument  Total Return
    0  DANSKE.CO     -3.954802, None)

    tr = tp[0]
        Instrument    Total Return
    0    DANSKE.CO    -3.954802

    ab = tr['Total Return']

    If you are already aware of the above, please provide similar output so we can try and help diagnose where the issue lies.

    Alternatively, you can use the raw_output parameter to access the JSON payload and parse out the data yourself e.g.

    tp = ek.get_data('DANSKE.CO',fields=[ 'TR.TotalReturn'],raw_output=True)
    {'columnHeadersCount': 1,
    'data': [['DANSKE.CO', -3.95480225988701]],
    'headerOrientation': 'horizontal',
    'headers': [[{'displayName': 'Instrument'},
      {'displayName': 'Total Return', 'field': 'TR.TOTALRETURN'}]],
    'rowHeadersCount': 1,
    'totalColumnsCount': 2,
    'totalRowsCount': 2}


    If the above also returns a None value, then I recommend you contact our Eikon helpdesk to help diagnose further.

  • Thank you again!

    Printing out the response from the raw_output version, gave me some error messages to help me find the problem.
    It turned out I had put the 'Scale' parameter to default to 0 in a bad way, causing None answers.