Does anyone have a list of python api denpendencies? (problem pip install Eikon application)

In order to get started with Eikon Python API, we must install the eikon python package using the following

pip install eikon

If you are behind a firewall, this can present difficulties. Can Refinitiv provide a list of dependencies eikon python package use, so we can manually install those dependencies first.

Note I have looked at the following link, and these download files do not solve the problem, as installing them prompts the python interpreter to download other files

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Please see this answer I provided in another post. It allows you to configure pip to go through firewalls.


  • Hi @Yingying

    To list all dependencies, you can use this command on a computer with internet access:

    pip download eikon


    Optional, install Eikon API from the downloaded files.

    Assuming that you can copy over all the files to your machine.

    pip install eikon-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl --no-index --find-links={path}


  • @ chavalit.jintamalit. I cannot see the list using pip download Eikon. As I don't have Eikon installed yet. I cannot install Eikon, as a lot of dependencies my computer cannot access freely as a result of fire wall. A possible solution for me is to download and install manually.


  • Hi @Yingying

    As I mentioned in my answer that you have to run "pip download eikon" command on a machine with internet access.

    In this case, your machine is behind your company firewall and I assume that it blocks the connection. So when you run the "pip download eikon" command, it failed.

  • Hi @Yingying

    I just want to add more information that you do not need to have Eikon Data API installed to be able to run "pip download eikon".

    And if you just need the list of dependency, you can refer to my screenshot.