Is it possible to use FAC in the Document module?

One of the requirements for my current story [Business Story #514295: Search, Document: Create New Non-Metadoc Result-List for All Headnotes][1] is provide the additional information for internal users and do not show it to our external customers. From my point of view such behavior could be implemented via Feature Access Control. Is it possible to use FAC in the Document module? If so, could you please share any information about the implementation. If no - could you suggest another approach? Thank you for your time. [1]:

Best Answer

  • Sam Thao
    Answer ✓
    Yes, FAC can be used in the Document module. However, it has to be passed in via the session binding from Website to Document. See the method ShouldGetDocumentStatusIcon() in FixedHeaderHtml.cs as an example of using it in the Document module.