How to set real FIDs to blank using Java EMA?

I'm looking for an example on setting a field to blank using the EMA API

Current Java EMA code to set FIDs with no logic to set real FIDs to blank



FieldList nestedFieldList = EmaFactory.createFieldList();

nestedFieldList.add(createOmmRealField(22, priceInfo.getBidPrice()));



public static FieldEntry createOmmRealField(int fieldId, BigDecimal value) {

BigDecimal valueStripped = value;//value.stripTrailingZeros();

// magnitude constants for scale exists up to -7

if(valueStripped.scale() < -7) {

valueStripped = valueStripped.setScale(-7);


// we translate scale to Magnitude type constant

int magnitude = OmmReal.MagnitudeType.EXPONENT_0 - valueStripped.scale();

long mantissa = valueStripped.unscaledValue().longValueExact();

return EmaFactory.createFieldEntry().real(fieldId, mantissa, magnitude);


ETA version of setting blank:

// ASK


dictionaryEntry = dictionary.entry(MarketPriceItem.ASK_FID);

if (dictionaryEntry != null) {




// Set blank for empty book and wipes

if(mpItem.ASK == -0.0) {



else {

tempReal.value(mpItem.ASK, RealHints.EXPONENT_4);


ret = fieldEntry.encode(encodeIter, tempReal);

if (ret < CodecReturnCodes.SUCCESS) {

return ret;



Best Answer

  • Hi @Paul.Wuethrich2

    Have you tried the following:

    EmaFactory.createFieldEntry().codeReal( <fieldID> )

    If you refer to the EMA Java documentation for FieldEntry you will note a set of methods such as codeReal, codeInt, codeFloat for adding a blank data code to a field entry
