Get Target RIC for Demerger from DataScope Select


When retrieving corporate action details for Demergers, is there a way to get the target RIC for a given action? You can retrieve the details within the 'Corporate Action Notes' column, but that requires parsing the entire paragraph of text.

For example, on 06/03/2019 DUPONT DE NMOURS (DD.N) had a Demerger of:

".33333333 of a share of Corteva Inc per one share of DowDuPont Inc. Due bills attached 23 May 2019 and redeemable beginning 4 June 2019."

However, I was unable to find a column which corresponded to the RIC or other identifier of Corteva. I may be missing a column, but I've tried all the different 'ID' fields with no luck.

Thanks for the help!

Best Answer

  • Hi @gabriel31,

    This question is a content query which should be answered/confirmed by content expert by opening support a case on myRefinitiv. This forum is best suited for API related questions and discussions.

    Anyway, I have found that the "Capital Change New Security ISIN" field can provide the ISIN of Corteva, US22052L1044.

                "IdentifierType": "Ric",
                "Identifier": "DD.N",
                "Corporate Actions Type": "CAP",
                "Corporate Action Notes": ".33333333 of a share of Corteva Inc per one share of DowDuPont Inc. Due bills attached 23 May 2019 and redeemable beginning 4 June 2019.",
                "Capital Change Event Type Description": "Demerger (DEM)",
                "Capital Change New Security ISIN": "US22052L1044",

    Hope this helps.
