JET navigate reuse the new window

In JavaScript, I can open a webpage in a new window A and ask all subsequent clicks to reuse that window A. Is it possible to do it in JET.navigate() for Quote / QuoteList? Tried "name" and "target" parameter but no luck.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    No, it is not possible. When you navigate to Quote or QuoteList apps, it will always popup the app in a new window.


  • You can reuse the window with the "target" parameter.

    There are 4 type of target.
    1. "popup" - This is a default value. A link will be openned in a new window.
    2. "replace" - A link will be openned in the current window.
    3. "tab" - A link will be openned in a new tab of the current window.
    4. "activestacking" - A link will be opened in a new tab of the active stacking window.


    name:"Eikon Explorer App",
    url: "cpurl://apps.cp./apps/twittersentiment",
    target: "replace"})

    Will open the page in the same window. This doesn't work for quote list as its not a web page.