get_data() specify time interval?

Hi, I am trying to retrieve the data on outstanding shares, but I find only yearly data in the output while data like volume can have daily outputs with no problem.


import eikon as ek
dt,err=ek.get_data('CYAD.BR', ['TR.Volume.Date','TR.Volume','TR.NumberofSharesOutstandingActual','TR.TtlCmnSharesOut'], parameters={'SDate':'2000-01-01', 'EDate':'2019-12-01'})

And the output is like this:


While the volume can have daily output just fine, I find the two variables on outstanding shares only have yearly output.

Is there a way to get daily output on these variables? Or maybe a way to force daily time intervals?

Many thanks!

Best Answer

  • Hi @zzhao

    You can use "Data Item Browser" (by typing in "DIB" on Eikon Search Bar and press enter)


    You can see that the TR.NumberofSharesOutstandingActual field does not support "daily" as a period.

    Here is an example to retrieve this field as Quarterly:


    You can check the same for TR.TtlCmnSharesOut

    Please also note that the request for the large amout of data may not be fullfilled in one request.

    I saw that you tried to retrieve 19 years of daily data in a single call and it might not returns all the data point to you.

    Please read the API guideline and limitation at


  • Thank you very much for the information on DIB and also the suggestions on API limitation!