Logging into EMA using a machine id

Hi - I have received a machine id which I have just set a password on. Can someone point me to the correct documentation for logging into the machine using the EMA Java libraries?



Best Answer

  • Hello @sunil.makhijani and all,

    A quick update on this question:

    Once the connectivity to ERT was opened, the connection was established successfully, login has succeeded, and streaming prices were confirmed to be received.


  • Hi @sunil.makhijani

    Please refer to the EMA Quick Start - Connecting to Elektron Real Time in Cloud

    Please ensure you have completed the Prerequisites as listed at the top of the article - the desktop prereqs if running locally or the EC2 prereqs if running in Amazon AWS

    If you don't have an AppKey / Client_ID you can do so using the AppKeyGenerator site.

    Please select EDP API check box when generating the AppKey.

    If you cannot access the AppKeyGenerator site please contact your Refinitiv account team or raise a support ticket

  • Thanks I read through the guide, but have a question.

    Looking at the code for the runConumer450 example it is asking for a ip/port combo ( ph and pp) . What should I specify when connecting?

    static void printHelp()


    System.out.println("\nOptions:\n" + " -?\tShows this usage\n"

    + " -username user name to perform authentication with the token service.\n"

    + " -password password to perform authorization with the token service.\n"

    + " -location location to get an endpoint from EDP-RT service discovery. Defaults to \"us-east\"\n"

    + " -clientId client ID to perform authorization with the token service. The user name is used if not specified.\n"

    + " -keyfile keystore file for encryption.\n"

    + " -keypasswd keystore password for encryption.\n"

    + " -ph Proxy host name.\n"

    + " -pp Proxy port number.\n"

    + " -plogin User name on proxy server.\n"

    + " -ppasswd Password on proxy server.\n"

    + " -pdomain Proxy Domain.\n"

    + " -krbfile KRB File location and name. Needed for Negotiate/Kerberos and Kerberos authentications\n"

    + "\n");


  • Hello @sunil.makhijani,

    I suggest first running EMA Java example 113 as it is simpler,

    Pass on the command line:


    Out of the box, example 113, uses emaconfig.xml to reference Consumer_3, that uses Channel 4, that refers to "us-east" and will be resolved to one of the the currently available end-points on your behalf, no need to specify.

  • Hi @sunil.makhijani

    Have you actually run the example and it is requesting the -ph and -pp values? I just ran it as described on the Quick Start page and it did not ask for those values.

    gradlew.bat runconsumer450 -PcommandLineArgs="-username <user> -password <pass> -keyfile keystore.jks -keypasswd <keyPass> -clientId <clientID>"

    Indeed, if you look at the source code, the only mandatory parameters are username and password in readCommandlineArgs()

    There is a line of code in main() which complains if host and port are null - but these are populated by the application on a successful service discovery.

    I suspect you are specifying an invalid location and therefore the onSuccess() method is unable to populate the host and port values. Try running without a location parameter initially and see if that works.

    The ph and pp values are only required if you are using a Proxy server at your organisation.

  • Hi,

    I tried running the example 113 consumer. I created the keystore file as mentioned in the link anjd added following certificates in the keystore file.



    I am using the following commandLine argument to run the example.

    -username <UserId> -password <User_passwd> -keyfile <keystore_Path> -keypasswd <keystore_passwd>

    I am gettign the following error:

    Dec 16, 2019 2:13:10 PM com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient reactorChannelEventCallback

    WARNING: loggerMsg

    ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

    Severity: Warning

    Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_4

    RsslReactor @62fdb4a6

    RsslChannel @1372ed45

    Error Id 0

    Internal sysError 0

    Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent

    Error text Error - exceeded initialization timeout (5 s)


    Please suggest.

  • Hello @banerjees,

    Are you behind a firewall by chance? From the machine you are testing on, are you, otherwise, able to connect outside, directly?

  • Zoya, Sarthik will reply later ( he is in diff timezone ), but I know he is not behind any firewall and has full access to the internet.

    Do you have an ip/dnsname & port combo we can try telneting to verify network connectivity?