Python API Obtain Index name from RIC

I've tried the following,

ek.get_data(keys, "DSPLY_NAME")

but it doesn't seem to work. Calling get_data one RIC at a time also doesn't guarantee results-sometimes NaN is returned. Is there a different field other than 'DSPLY_NAME' that I should be requesting?


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    From my testing, the DSPLY_NAME field contains information for those items. I also use TR.InstrumentDescription field.


    Moreover, you can the Data Item Browser application in Eikon or the Formula Builder in Eikon Excel to find different name fields.

    You can also directly contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv for name fields that can be used with the TR function in Eikon Excel.