Eikon DAPI Parameter to pull full history

Hi, working on a customer usecase need:

Is there a parameter that allows either the Eikon DAPI ek.get_data() or ek.get_timeseries() method to pull ALL the available historical data for the RIC(s) referenced in the formula? i.e. I don't want to have to enter in a start date/end date. The need is to determine what the full available history is for a given RIC, or list of RICs.

For example, if the RIC is XAG= , I need the method to return the full available history (let's say "daily" interval) for that XAG= . How might that be achieved?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    In Eikon Data API, there are limitations of datapoints returned per request, as mentioned in EIKON DATA API USAGE AND LIMITS GUIDELINE.

    Moreover, when calling the methods, the client needs to pass a date range or a number of points as parameters.

    For the get_data() method, you may need to contact the Eikon Excel support team to verify if there are any parameters in the TR function used to retrieve all historical data without specifying a date range. If parameters are available, we may be able to apply those parameters to the get_data method.