REST API to query RICS and return the corresponding DACS entitlement codes?

I am developing an in-house tool that allows market data admins and AD to query RICS and return the corresponding DACS PDP product codes (e.g. WWEIKON), exchange codes, specialist data codes and PE codes required for entitlement access. Is this possible via a REST API, e.g. TRTH?

Best Answer


  • Hi Veerapath. Thanks for your answer. What about the PDP codes necessary to permission the PE Code? e.g. a PE Code alone is not sufficient for the DAC Administrator - they must know the relevant PDP code(s) to apply

  • Hi @Rosalind,

    To get PDP, you may need to use DACS. DACS administrator can use "Item Requirement" tool in DACS UI to get PDP codes required for an item. DACS also provide Web Services (SOAP) having the same functionality. You can use the DACS Web Services to directly get PDPs from an item name.

    Please refer to the DACS Web Services Programmer's Guide for more information. For further questions about DACS Web Services, please contact DACS support team via MyRefinitiv.


    Below is the sample of SOAP request.

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="; xmlns:dac=""&gt;
                   <mAdministratorName>*admin username*</mAdministratorName>
                   <mAdministratorPassword>*admin password*</mAdministratorPassword>
                <mName>*vendor service*</mName>


    <S:Envelope xmlns:S=""&gt;
          <ns2:getItemRequirementResponse xmlns:ns2=""&gt;
                   <mErrorText>Operation Success</mErrorText>
                   <Description>Base Professional</Description>
                   <Description>Base Redistribution</Description>
                   <Description>NA Securities (</Description>
                   <Description>DS Realtime Back Office App Server Perm</Description>