How can i tconfig adh3.3.3 to connect EED in cloud

Hi, i am testing ADH3.3.3 connect to ERT in cloud. but i can not find procedure for tconfig adh in installation guide .

I have machine id and password. Could you give me some advice? Many thanks.

tconfig service_edge -s IDN_RDF

tconfig route_cloud ??

tconfig route_cloud -n trep33 -r route_cloud1 ??

tconfig server_edge -a -s IDN_RDF -i route_cloud1 -n trep33

tconfig adh_rrcp -n trep33


Best Answer

  • @Qi.Zhu

    I also used this command.

    tconfig rssl_route -n trep33 -i route_cloud1

    The full steps are:

    tsetup adh 
    tconfig rmds_adh_rrcp
    tconfig adh_rrcp -n <hostname>
    tconfig service_edge -s IDN_RDF
    tconfig rssl_route -n <hostname> -i route_cloud1
    tconfig route_cloud -n <hostname> -r route_cloud1
    tconfig server_edge -s IDN_RDF -i route_cloud1 -n <hostname>

    Then, I manually added the following entries into the rmds.cnf file.

    *adh*serviceDiscoveryUrl : 
    *adh*tokenServiceUrl :

    For the userPassword configuration, please make sure you use dacsObfuscatePassword command to create an obfuscated password.

    dacsObfuscatePassword -e <password>

    If this doesn't work, please share adh.log file.
