close session and exit

I am using this example: 

I only need one latest value for a RIC and added the option Streaming: False

I also want to close the socket and exit the program. Is there a Flag that I can set to do that?

Best Answer

  • Hello @kshishir

    One possible way is to

    1. comment try .. except KeyboardInterrupt:

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if hotstandby:

    2. In _process_message(self, message_json) method, check if the application receives data, disconnect and exit program

                if message_type == "Refresh":
                if 'Domain' in message_json:
                    message_domain = message_json['Domain']
                    if message_domain == "Login":
                #Add the following code for Data Refresh Message
                    print("Receive Data. Disconnect and Exit Program")
                    if hotstandby:


  • Hello @kshishir

    You can set "Streaming" parameter in the JSON request message to False (boolean value) to get one latest value for a RIC like an example below:

            mp_req_json = {
                'ID': 2,
                'Key': {
                    'Name': ric_name,
                    'Service': service,
                "Streaming": False

    The application run forever without any flag:

            while True:

    If you would like to close the program, just press Ctrl+C, then the following code lines are called to close websocket and exit the program:

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if hotstandby:
  • Thanks you!

    Is there a way to just run the app once, get the latest values and exit without having to press Ctrl + C?

  • Hello @kshishir

    If you need only a snapshot of latest real-time Market Price values you may consider Refinitiv's Knowledge API (TRKD API). The TRKD API delivers Refinitiv information and contents in a request-response scenario via web services using SOAP, XML and HTTP REST/JSON protocols.

    TRKD has the Quote Service that provides a snapshot real-time quote/quote chain data for consumers. Please see more detail regarding the TRKD Quote service in this article.

    You can find more detail regarding TRKD API in TRKD official web site.

  • Thank you Wasin. This is also helpful. Is there any difference in data received from TKDR and Elektron Real Time?

  • Thank you Wasin. This is also helpful. Is there any difference in data received from TKDR and Elektron Real Time?