Eikon API: issue with get_news_story output

I am working in a Python code using the Eikon Data API to get the stories corresponding to a set of companies from Argentina.

The query is:

headlines=ek.get_news_headlines('R:YPFD.BA IN SPANISH', date_from='2019-03-06T09:00:00', date_to='2019-04-06T18:00:00')

Then, I get the story for each headline

for idx, storyId in enumerate(headlines['storyId'].values): #for each row in our df dataframe newsText = ek.get_news_story(storyId) #get the news story

The text of each story is:

"http://filings.retrieval.service.ib.thomsonone.com/Filings.Viewer/Down... "

For a few stories, I get the text but on a major of cases, I get the previous link. I don't know if it is an Error o doesn't it because I get an empty data frame when doesn't exist stories for a company. So, what does it mean?


Best Answer


  • HI, @chavalit.jintamalit. Thank you for your anwers.
    Do you know how to add a wait time between each query? I used time.sleep() but the output doesn't change.

  • Hi @82LL35910622

    Here is the sample:

    import time
    for idx, storyId in enumerate(headlines['storyId'].values): #for each row in our df dataframe
    newsText = ek.get_news_story(storyId) #get the news story
    time.sleep(5) # sleep for 5 seconds

    But apart from limit call per second, please also review other limitation such as the amount of data per day in "Eikon Data API Usage and Limits Guideline" at https://developers.refinitiv.com/eikon-apis/eikon-data-api/docs

    (somehow, the URL I provided in my previous reply does not properly bring you to the document.)