What does it mean when Reuters Elektron responds with state="Closed / Suspect / Not found / for a su

Integral's Reuters Elektron adaptor receives a response with state="Closed / Suspect / Not found / for a subscription request.

We are currently treating this as a rejection to our subscription request. Please confirm what can be the possible reasons for this rejection -

1) Reuters Elektron have closed pricing for that instrument at this point in time

2) Reuters Elektron have not set up that instrument for pricing on that session.

3) both 1 and 2

4) some other reason



2020-01-22 10:32:51,831 INFO Thread-208 Going to initiate a Subscription with the following parameters::

2020-01-22 10:32:51,832 INFO Thread-208 ric = BRZ=

2020-01-22 10:32:51,832 INFO Thread-208 service = ELEKTRON_DD

2020-01-22 10:32:51,832 INFO Thread-208 Mkt Data Fields = [I@58e0c9e9


2020-01-22 10:32:52,102 INFO pool-18-thread-1 StatusMsg


domain="MarketPrice Domain"

state="Closed / Suspect / Not found / '*The record could not be found'"






Best Answer

  • Hello @ashish.mudgil

    The record could not be found means the subscribed RIC is not available in the system. The name of RIC may be incorrect. I subscribed the RIC BRZ= and I got the same error as you. Hence, you should verify the subscribed RIC name or contact the data support team in order to find the correct RICs which can provide the data required. You can contact the data support team via Get Product Support on MyRefinitiv