Historical implied vol for LGOc1

Hi, I'd like to get the historical IV for the ATM option of the front-month LGO contract. I've found LGOATM+0c1 and the fields IMPLIED_VOLT/TR.IMPLIEDVOLATILITY, but none of them seem to work.

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

  • Hi @matthew.ang, we have also data items called implied volatility index for pre-defined periods.


    Example syntax:



  • To get current implied vol for LGOATM+0c1 use field name IMP_VOLT. To get the history use RHistory function in Excel:
    =RHistory("LGOATM+0c1","IMP_VOLT.Timestamp;IMP_VOLT.Value","START:10-Jan-2020 END:10-Feb-2020 INTERVAL:1D",,"CH:Fd")

  • What would be the Python function to do the same?