News Headlines older than 15months

i am writing currently on a master thesis and need to analyze news from 2017 - 2019 in regarding to public bonds.
trying to get news headlines via the eikon data api older than 2018-11 the endpoint does not return any data.

eikon.get_news_headlines(search_term, date_from='2017-01-01T00:00:00',date_to=2017-02-01T:00:00:00,raw_output='true',count=100)

Is there any possibility getting older news data via the api or via any eikon app?

Thanks & Regards,

Best Answer


  • Hi,
    Thank you for the advice. Can I use the same queries as in get_news_headlines?
    I also found an App in Eikon "News Monitor" where it is possible to use Date from and Date to before 2017.
    Do you know if eikon data api is possible to query like this app?

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Hello @wolfgang.lumetsberger,

    Eikon Data API retrieval of news is limited by 15 months, which is what is preventing you from retrieval, the up-to-date limits are best described in EIKON DATA API USAGE AND LIMITS GUIDELINE doc.

    News Monitor is not subject to this limit, and will be able to retrieve older news.

    Tick History product, suggested by @chavalit.jintamalit is the recommended way to retrieve history via API, although as a student you may not have access to the product, you will have to confirm that with your university leadership.

    Looks like you will have to discuss the way to approach you thesis with your master thesis adviser, so that the task at hand is supported by means to achieve the goal.

  • Hello Wolfgang, I'm Jeff, a PhD student from Oregon Institute of Technology. I had a similar assignment for my analytical research project. I followed the TickHistoryTimeAndSalesExtraction and TickHistoryRawExtraction tutorials and used Tick History API. I can share my example, if you're interested.

    >Tick history (Time and Sales data) retrieval for US exchanges thetermpapers

  • Hi Wolfgang, I am wondering about the same. Did you find a solution to it?

