EIKON API R question calls count

1. If using the eikonapir r package make the following request (from the manual) fields = list(TR_Field('tr.revenue'),TR_Field('tr.open',NULL,'asc',1),TR_Field('TR.GrossProfit',list('Scale'=6, 'Curn'='EUR'),'asc',0)) > data_frame = get_data(list("IBM","MSFT.O"),fields) 1.a Have I understood it correctly that the following call will count as 1 call as long as it is below (around???) 10.000 data points 1.b.Have I understood it correctly that a data point would best be considered as what you would normally fit in one cell in Microsoft excel? Meaning that updating the attached excel sheet would take 15 api calls?

thanks a lot in advance

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