TRTH using matlab

"Hi, I'm trying to connect to TRTH via matlab using the following command:


and it replies:

Error using rdth (line 116)
Invalid RDTH client.

This line usually works fine for me (it worked fine on Friday) so I'm not sure what's changed.


Best Answer

  • Bondy_Bo
    Answer ✓

    I don't believe that there are any issues with the TRTH API in logging in from multiple machines. I was able to use other's credentials from my machine here yesterday. Based on the size, that is the correct jar file.

    Can you try running the following code from MATLAB? You'll need to substitute your name and password. I suspect it will fail at the getAssetDomains call but I'm hoping the Java exception will tell us something more.

    import com.thomsonreuters.tickhistory.webservice.types.*;
    import com.thomsonreuters.tickhistory.webservice.*;
    credH = CredentialsHeader;
    credE = CredentialsHeaderE;
    r.cred = credE;
    r.client = TRTHApiServiceStub
    assetdomains = r.client.getAssetDomains(r.cred).getData