How to make sink_driven_src stop sending updates after X amount


Is there a way to configure sink_driven_src to stop sending updates after X amount of updates?


I want to send steady 10 updates per second (-U 10) and stop after sending 100 updates.

I tried the -timeri option but the guide is very vague on explaining the timer interval. Description says

Sets the timer interval in microseconds. A setting of (0) disables the timer.


Best Answer

  • If you use rmdstestserver (tool shipped with ADH and ADS packages) and use a capture file, you should be able to do this. Versions of this tool shipped with TREP 3.2.3 and later allow users to control the number of times a capture file would be replayed (-replayLimit). Previously, rmdstestserver would continuously replay the capture file. See Demo tools guide shipped with TREP s/w for details.


  • Hi @kc_1905

    Looking at the documentation for sink_driven_src, it does not appear to offer the functionality you are after.

    If you want to publish dummy data and control the frequency / timing / count etc, then one option could be for you to modify the code for one of the OMMProvider examples as per your requirements.

    As you may know, you can connect a OmmConsumer application directly to an Interactive OmmProvider example using the 'direct connect' feature - by ensuring the Interactive Provider is listening on the same port as the OmmConsumer is connecting on (default: 14002)

    You can find a set of Interactive Provider examples in the training\iProvider Examples subfolder

  • Thanks, I was hoping there was a option to do it via replay tool. Saves us writing a provider with all the built-in features of the sink_driven_src like the rate control, ramp up, and etc.

  • Also do you know what does -timeri option do? What does it set the interval of ?

  • Hi @kc_1905

    I will ask the TREP experts and get back to you.

  • Hello @kc_1905

    You may contact TREP support team who is expert in sink_driven_src which are TREP's tool. To raise this problem to them directly, please submit the query via Get Product Support on MyRefinitiv. Select Product "Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform".

  • Thanks will raise a querty to them

  • Hi @kc_1905

    Not sure how you got on with the TREP Support team but I got an explanation for the -timeri option:

    -timeri is for when you want to go with a high resolution timer (timerfd) for sub-millisecond intervals on Linux (so would be used in conjunction with values of -tps > 1000).

    The TREP expert confirmed that sink_driven_src does not offer the functionality you required and the closest would be the rmdstestserver possibility explained below.

  • Thanks, looks like this is what im after.

    Seems this is not included in the TREP Infrastructure Tools in the Download section, is that correct?

  • Hi @kc_1905

    That is correct - the rmdstestserver is shipped with the actual ADH or ADS package. Do you have an internal Market Data team - they should be able to provide you with the tools?

    If you do not have an internal TREP installation, please speak to you Refintiv Account manager to see if there is a way of getting access to an ADS or ADH installation package.

  • I think we have such team within the company. Many thanks for this information.