How to find all public (listed) companies on NYSE / NASDAQ for every end of the year from 2005-2020?

Hi all, I am currently starting with my master thesis and I can't seem to find how to get a list of public companies on a certain date. I want to get all companies that were listed on either the NASDAQ or NYSE at the end of the year for every year from 2005 until 2020. I seem to be only able to get the currently active or inactive companies and as I am totally new to Datastream I do not have a clue how to just set a date for which it should look.

The key for me is to find which companies were removed from these exchanges to be able to link this to M&A deals and 10-K SEC filings as I want to do a textual analysis on 10-K SEC filings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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