Valid RWF DATE and TIME formats for ATS contribution

Does anyone know all the valid formats that are accepted by ATS for contribution to DATE and TIME fields?

I know that for DATE the accepted formats are “DDMMMYYYY” or “DD MMM YYYY”.

Can anyone confirm all the formats for TIME?

Best Answer

  • TREP-RT currently supports the MF date format of DD Mmm YYYY for conversion to RWF. The following additional MF

    date formats are supported. A combination of uppercase/lowercase will also be supported for non-numeric date fields. Dates in any other formats are blanked out during conversion.

    • DD-Mmm-YYYY (e.g.: 27-Jan-2012)
    • DDMMMYY (e.g.: 20MAR12)
    • DDMmmYYYY (e.g.: 21Jul2011)
    • DD Mmm YY (e.g.: 01 Aug 07)
    • DD/NN/YYYY (e.g.: 01/11/2010)
    • DD/NN/YY (e.g.: 01/11/10)