Need sample application with RFA.NET to get Market Data/TREP via EZD?

Hi, I have setup EZD and trying to use to talk to EZD and get the bid price and ask price and few other fields from Market data.

Best Answer

  • Hello @RSuryasetty,

    An RFA.NET consumer application "sees" and works with EZD the same as it would with any other supported infrastructure, no special EZD handling is required.

    Would suggest to get started by reviewing RFA.NET Quickstart Guide

    Next review and run RFA.NET Tutorials, all tutorials, in addition to step-by-step learning instructions include a link to their included sample code.

    You have probably downloaded RFA.NET SDK already, if not, please find Downloadable RFA.NET SDK. Once you install it,it includes folder Examples that contains several example Consumer applications, QuickstartConsumer, Consumer, and StarterConsumer.

    Hope this helps