Hi, I use the UPA


version to connect with ELEKTRON_DD feed over our company's TREP and very often I keep getting INCOMPLETE_DATA or NO_DATA or Unknown msgClass: 0 errors.

Is there some issues within the library or the underlying TREP environment setup?

How can we resolve these? or should we ignore them?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Refer to the UPA developer guide, INCOMPLETE_DATA indicates that the RsslBuffer on the RsslDecodeIterator does not have enough data for proper decoding. This could be a problem in the data or decoding logic.

    To verify this kind of issue, you need to dump the buffer that causes those errors. Then, we can verify if the data in the buffer is valid.

    You may also share the code that the application uses to decode the data.
