AHS role FAQs

Here is help on the most common AHS activities and scenarios

Click the questions below to move to the answer posted in the replies below


1. How do I find out which questions need AHS to participate?

2. How do I decide the length of time AHS should allow for the community to answer a new forum question? Can I also indicate the level of urgency?

3. How do I track answers from the community?

4. I can’t answer this question. What should I do?

5. A question has been answered but not marked as correct by the asker so it’s ‘Replies’ box is blue not green, and remains in our ‘Unanswered’ AHS Moderation dashboard tab. What should I do?

6. Should I ever move a forum question to a Service Cloud ticket?

7. No-one is using this forum, what should I do?

8. How do I move a question into another forum? And when should I do this?


1. When should I escalate a question to TRDC?

2. How can I track that an SME is progressing a question we
escalated to them?

3. When should I escalate a member comment to TR staff other
than SMEs?

4. My shift is ending but I have an urgent question, how can I
hand it over to a colleague?


1. I’ve found some useful code hidden away in a forum answer,
how can I make it more prominent?

2. How can I make the forum posts more discoverable?

3. I’ve been asked to quality test some new API content. How
should I do this?

Site observations

1. I’ve found a bug on the website, who should I tell?

2. I have an idea to improve the website, who should I tell?

3. Do we have any site analytics to help us identify what is
and isn’t working well on the site?

4. The Q&A forum has gone down, what should I do?

5. The whole TRDCP site has gone down, what should I do?

Community mgmt

1. I hear we can see a member’s site usage before they asked a
question. As this will help me to understand what they’ve looked at before
entering the conversation, I can be prepared and not waste their time. Where do
I find this info?

2. A member of the community is not complying with our code of
conduct. What should I do?

3. Lots of TR developers are posting their questions in the
private ‘TR Internal’ forum. Is this okay?

Other Activities

1. Where can I find the Contact Us requests?

2. How do I manage Service Cloud requests?

3. There are no questions for me to answer, what other
activities can I perform for AHS?

4. I understand that AHS should follow a checklist at the end
of every project/query. What’s on this checklist?

5. A member is offering feedback, what should I do with it?

6. I have been asked to do some promotional work on an API.
What may this entail?



    • Forum 1

      How do I find out which questions need AHS to participate?

        a.As an AHS member you can access the AHS Moderation dashboard from the dropdown under your name in the top right corner of the site .


        b.The ‘Triage’ view displays new questions that AHS need to assess and decide on how long to allow the community to respond to before participating.

        c.The ‘Unanswered’ view displays the questions that need attention from AHS

          • Forum 2

            do I decide the length of time AHS should allow for the community to answer a
            new forum question? Can I also indicate the level of urgency?

            • a.This
              is something we will evaluate and learn as we going along based on real life
              scenarios that arise. From these early experiences we will construct a Best
              Practises list. As forums in general do not hold the same level of service
              response expectation as help desks, we do not feel this is a problem. We also
              wish to encourage the community to participate and not refrain because AHS are
              always answering all questions (which is not scalable).
            • b.You
              should use your experience on the APIs user base and read the question
              carefully to discern not only the need but also the urgency where possible.
            • c.You
              may also need to consult the APIs SLA where available
            • d.If
              in any doubt, select Now in the Triage screen and immediately assign an owner
              from the SME list in the ‘Unanswered’ view
            • e.Remember
              to consult with, and report back your decisions to AHS/PS mgmt so that the Best
              Practises list can take shape
            • f.Currently
              the level of urgency is not available to a question, and so it may be difficult
              to quickly assess which questions in the ‘Unanswered’ view are the most urgent
            • i.For
              now look in the Unanswered’ view at the difference between the date of posting
              and the ‘Time since due date’ date to ascertain the triage period that was
            • ii.This
              is to be assessed for improvement in 2016

          • Forum 3

            do I track answers from the community?

            • a.The
              AHS moderation screen does not yet display new answers only new questions.
              Therefore the AHS agent will need to click into all public forums with sort as
              Active and look at the latest questions at the top of the list in order to
              discover new answers. AHS can then moderate the answers.
            • b.A
              triage feature for answers is planned for 2016
          • Forum 4

            I can’t answer this question. What should I do?

            • a.You should look for an appropriate escalation path to a TR colleague who is well placed to help the member
            • b.As well as the range of skills within the Platform Services team, representatives proposed by each API owners included in the Developer Platform have been briefed on using the platform and agreed to participate as active community members. There are also established support models for some of the mature APIs to which AHS can escalate to
            • c.When you have found someone who can help, add them as an owner
            • i.In the AHS Moderation dashboard Unanswered view click in the Owner box to the right of the question, and start typing their name
            • ii.Autosuggest will help you find that person in a dropdown. Select the person and their name will appear in the owner box.
            • iii.Notice that a 2nd box is now added below the 1st. This allows you to add more owners. If you are escalating outside of Platform Services you should add your own name in this 2nd box to register your vested interest. You should now keep an eye on this question to ensure that the SME is active with the member in solving their query
            • d.Here is the order of groups to review for appropriate escalation
            • i.AHS colleague in your region
            • 1.Speak to your colleagues also on rota, maybe you can solve it as a team
            • ii.AHS colleagues in other regions (if the question can wait) and all Platform Services Developers
            • 1.Find out who’s on rota and use the PS Skills matrix found in the AHS Hub site to identify a suitable colleague
            • 2.Email or call them if possible, or send out an email to the global team email asking for help
            • iii.API Providers & the official SMEs
            • 1.Check the SME contact list on the AHS Hub site to find an appropriate TR person to reach out to.
            • iv.Other SMEs

            Over time AHS will identify community members who are not TR developers but have earned the respect of their peers as an experienced user of this API who is generously willing to help others. These people can be called upon to help as their word holds weight

          • Re e.: What is the mechanism to contact, and report back our decisions to AHS/PS mgmt ?

          • What is the global team email ?

          • it's upg.platformservicesalldevelopers@tr.com.

            I have added it in the text as a mailto link

          • Forum 5

            question has been answered but not marked as correct by the asker so it’s
            ‘Replies’ box is blue not green, and remains in our ‘Unanswered’ AHS Moderation
            dashboard tab. What should I do?

            • a. Where
              there are replies to a question but none are marked as correct (blue), AHS can
              do one of two things:
            • i. The
              question asker should be contacted and requested to mark the answer as correct.
              Give the asker at least three days before contacting them.
            • ii. AHS
              can assess the answer to check if it is known to be correct. If AHS do not
              know, they can contact an SME to verify, and then mark as correct
          • Should I ever move a forum question to a Service Cloud ticket

            • a.AHS should move a forum question to a service cloud case when;
            • i.it is deemed that the client requires a personal interaction
            • ii.The question is more in-depth or technical than is appropriate to deal with in the public space of the forum
            • iii.The member requests a personal response in their post, or explicitly advises of a high level of urgency
            • iv.The question falls outside of AHS skill set and the appropriate subject matter experts are not participating in the forums as agreed
          • No-one is using this forum, what should I do?

            • a.First use the Analytics reports to analyse this
              forum and the API pages to see if members are viewing the threads, even if they
              are not adding comments, replies or new questions
            • b.Next contact the API Provider to relay to them
              the state of interaction and ask if this is a concern for them. Is their user
              base active and growing? Ask them for promotional ideas that may peak interest.
              Suggest they look at;
            • i.API
            • ii.Offering
              new content that AHS could seed into the forum
            • iii.Events
              such as WebEx training, meet-ups or inclusion in a conference
            • iv.Sample
              apps that are reusable by clients and demonstrate API features
          • How do I move a question into another forum? And when should I do this?

            • a.Questions can be moved if AHS deem that they are not housed in the most intuitive Forum for the topic being discussed. A more common scenarios is likely to be that a thread appears in a private forum but is clearly valuable to the whole community and so should be made publicly accessible
            • b.The act of moving a question into another Forum is done through these steps
            • i.Enter the question page and clicks the gear Config icon image in the top right of the post.
            • ii.You’ll see a drop-down list with a choice of actions. Select Move
            • iii.Choose the desired Space from the dropdown list of Spaces and click OK
            • c.However before moving a question, you should carefully read through all the text and remove names, irrelevant comments, TR sensitive info, references and links to internal sources such as the hub, or inappropriate comments
            • i.To Edit click the Edit option from the Gear Config menu
            • ii.add or remove text,
            • iii.add an update summary at the bottom of the post
            • iv.click Save.
            • d.Edit tags
            • i.Review the tags attached to the thread to confirm they optimise discoverability
            • ii.This can be done using the Edit Tags feature (pencil icon)

              image in the question. Add tags and click Save

          • testing the mention feature @Andy Rhodes

          • >>> "representatives
            proposed by each API owners"

            Can we have a list of these named representatives and their subject of expertise.

          • Thanks Gurpreet, I've updated both the text you mention, and the 'SME Contact List' near the bottom, with the correct link to the latest sheet, on the AHS Hub site. https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/docs/DOC-1536587