Error "module 'Crypto.Cipher.AES' has no attribute 'MODE_CCM'" in when subscribing to RD

Error "module 'Crypto.Cipher.AES' has no attribute 'MODE_CCM'" pops up , in when subscribing to RDP newsAlerts

Curable by 'pip install pycryptodomex', and amending the as:

10: from Crypto.Cipher import AES


10: from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES

Could you please adjust the "Quickstart and Python tutorials source code" accourdingly.

Or recommend an alternative solution.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    pycryptodome was chosen since it is a fork of popular PyCrypto and a drop in replacement. It does not expose the module as Cryptodome.Cipher but as Crypto.Cipher.


  • Hi @oleksiy.bondarenko1,

    Can you please elaborate your question - why do you need CCM? Both the News and Research alerts are encrypted using AES-GCM. The tutorial and the comment in the sample file state that it depends on pycryptodome module for decryption.

    Does that not work? Thanks.

  • Indeed

    The error I get under default anaconda-packaged pycrypto 2.6.1 , on both linux and windows, since late 2019, is

    AttributeError: module 'Crypto.Cipher.AES' has no attribute 'MODE_GCM'

    from Crypto.Cipher import AES (this import is used in your sample code)













    So I need to pip install pycryptodome (or pycryptodomex)

    from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES (need to change the import to this, i.e. Cryptodome)











  • Well, the tutorial and the sample explicitly state that it uses pycryptodome.

  • Then you can be as explicit, and have

    from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES (rather than from Crypto.Cipher import AES )